The crazy cold weather in Baltimore has us thinking about hiding inside until spring, but until it warms up, this little hair salon has some hair care tips to help your hair handle the freeze!
1. Water is the best ingredient for your hair
Winter air is dry, and so is heated indoor air. This double whammy can strip moisture from you, your skin, and your hair faster than you can say “snow day.” Here’s what to do:
- Moisturize with the Right Products: Shampoo with an aloe base gives that extra kick of moisture when you really need it.
- Condition, Condition, Condition: Pamper your locks with a deep conditioning treatment every other week, and for our curly folks, consider an apple cider vinegar wash once a month for added defense of your more porous hair.
- Curly Hair Bonus Tip: Make sure your styling product holds the moisture that you put into your hair when washing. We love Windward Curl Seastate Gel for its ability to lock in that water but dry with a soft finish.
2. Limit Heat Styling
We say this all year round, but especially in winter!
3. Protect from the Elements
Your hair faces a brutal battle against snow, wind, and static:
- Let your scarf defend your hair: A fabulous shawl draped over your head when you head out into the cold does wonders for protecting your hair. It also keeps the wind from whipping it around, and less movement means less friction and roughening of your hair strands.
4. Nutritious Hair Diet
What you put inside counts as much as what you put outside:
- Omega-3 Rich Foods: Salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds are your hair’s best friends for internal hydration and shine.
- Protein: Hair is protein, so it needs protein to grow; eat some more!
We hope you’re staying warm and that you’re having a great hair day!